Every year 130,000 metric tons of plastic pellets, known as nurdles, get into the sea. For example from sinking ships, and currents, wind and waves wash them ashore in large quantities. Quick collection of nurdles over a large area can prevent them from getting back into the sea. BeachTech beach cleaners screen large quantities of nurdles reliably. A single pass removes up to 95% of the nurdles from the sand! Depending on the field of application, various screen sizes are available. The cleaned sand is screened and dumped back onto the beach.
Thanks to its close meshed screen, a single BeachTech beach cleaner screens enormous quantities in dry sand day after day
Thanks to the working depth of up to 30 cm, even nurdles below the surface can be picked up
Due to working widths up to 2.50 m, the BeachTech can clean large areas of approx. 30,000 m²/h – which roughly corresponds to six soccer fields – effortlessly

Nurdle CleanUp in Sri Lanka
When the vessel X-Press Pearl sank off the coast of Colombo, Sri Lanka, countless plastic pallets, known as nurdles, were spread across 700 km of coastline. The Alliance to End Plastic Waste supported the Marine Environment Protection Authority of Sri Lanka with multiple BeachTech Sweepy machines in capturing these nurdles. We are proud to be a part of this important project.

Nurdles are only about the size of lentils and, thus, are extremely difficult to pick up by hand.

The close meshed screen of BeachTech beach cleaners allows a large number of nurdles to be filtered out of the sand.

By using professional beach cleaning machines, beach cleaning operations are less physically demanding and more efficient.

Clean and safe: BeachTech beach cleaners leave a deep-cleaned and level sand bottom.
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