Seedbed preparation
Prior to sowing, BeachTech screens residue of the previous harvest and unwanted weeds that compete with the crops for nutrition and thus ensures a higher yield of vegetables grown.
Removal of rocks from the seedbed reduces the load for the blades of your harvesting machines.
Mechanical screening of weeds before sowing reduces vegetation and allows the user to dispense with herbicides.
Soil pickup, screening of rocks and vegetation, aeration and loosening of the soil – all in one. This saves time and money.

“Optimally prepared soil is immensely important in ensuring that seedlings are strong. BeachTech does it all in one pass – in maximum quality and with high efficiency.
Mechanical weed removal
Fewer weeds ensure a higher crop yield: As wild weeds, frequently cyperus varieties, in particular, spread prolifically and thus compete with crops for nutrition, unwanted vegetation must be removed from the soil before sowing. Mechanical screening of weeds reduces vegetation and thus allows the user to dispense with herbicides.

Removing rocks from seedbeds
Fields are gentle on your harvesting machines: BeachTech vehicles remove even the smallest rocks before sowing. The robust design and the stable cleaning unit of the BeachTech screening machines enable operations in soil cultivation – with little wear and low maintenance!

Field preparation before sowing
Before another sowing process, plant remains that have remained in the soil after the previous harvest must be removed as well. BeachTech picks up the topmost layer of the soil and screens it both thoroughly and effectively together with rocks, weeds and roots. The cleaned soil drops back onto the subsoil and thus always remains on site. The screened soil is loosened and aerated, ideally preparing it for sowing.

request a free quote
Rely on BeachTech for seedbed preparation! Contact our product experts now. We will be happy to answer your questions and send you a non-binding offer.
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