Large beach cleanup initiative in Bacolod in the Philippines

Bacolod City is the capital and largest city of the province of Negros Occidental. Bacolod is generally known as the "City of Smiles" and for the MassKara Festival. However, the region's growing popularity is also being accompanied by substantial environmental pollution. Particularly during the monsoon season, the floods always wash plastic waste and driftwood onto the surrounding beaches. To counteract this pollution, more and more beach-cleaning measures are being introduced so that guests and residents can enjoy clean and safe beaches. Our local dealer, Abomar Equipment, also took this as an opportunity to organize a large beach cleanup initiative in Bacolod with the slogan "Beach CleanUp Drive." They used a BeachTech 1000 and cleaned a section of beach with additional support from around 200 students.
In connection with the joint cleanup initiative there were various technical lectures on the topic of "trash and microplastics in the sea" to raise people's awareness of this issue.
BeachTech is very proud to have contributed toward environmental protection here and to continue proactively supporting initiatives of this kind.