Looking back on a successful season
The season in Europe is coming to an end. One thing that has to be particularly highlighted is the successful integration of the Cherrington beach cleaners in our product portfolio.
This way we can fulfill the most diverse customer requests in even better ways. There is the ideal vehicle for every requirement. With their typical screen cleaning concept and supplementary type sizes, the vehicles from the US meet even more beach and customer requirements. So we are now able to offer three self-propelled types with different working widths. Also the range of towed vehicles has been extended. In the future, customers can choose from several sizes and different screening methods and so buy the perfect device for their needs.
We have received very positive feedback from the new markets where we launched the Cherrington vehicles. After the first demonstrations of the Cherrington 440XL in Scandinavia and very positive reactions we were already able to deliver the first vehicle of this kind to a community near Copenhagen in summer 2018, together with our partner Gersvang Maskiner. But beach cleaning is not just a matter of summer. Even afterwards, it makes sense to perform rough cleaning of the beaches in some places. Winter storms wash ashore large amounts of flotsam, which cause beach operators considerable headache in spring. Should you have questions regarding the winter storage of your beach cleaning vehicles, please do not hesitate to get in contact with Mr. Zimmermann from the Service department (phone +49 7392 900 - 119), who will help you with practical advice. For repairs please contact our spare parts team. The contact person for your respective country can be found at www.beach-tech.com. We would like to cordially thank all of our customers for the excellent cooperation and the trust they have shown for our products!
This way we can fulfill the most diverse customer requests in even better ways. There is the ideal vehicle for every requirement. With their typical screen cleaning concept and supplementary type sizes, the vehicles from the US meet even more beach and customer requirements. So we are now able to offer three self-propelled types with different working widths. Also the range of towed vehicles has been extended. In the future, customers can choose from several sizes and different screening methods and so buy the perfect device for their needs.
We have received very positive feedback from the new markets where we launched the Cherrington vehicles. After the first demonstrations of the Cherrington 440XL in Scandinavia and very positive reactions we were already able to deliver the first vehicle of this kind to a community near Copenhagen in summer 2018, together with our partner Gersvang Maskiner. But beach cleaning is not just a matter of summer. Even afterwards, it makes sense to perform rough cleaning of the beaches in some places. Winter storms wash ashore large amounts of flotsam, which cause beach operators considerable headache in spring. Should you have questions regarding the winter storage of your beach cleaning vehicles, please do not hesitate to get in contact with Mr. Zimmermann from the Service department (phone +49 7392 900 - 119), who will help you with practical advice. For repairs please contact our spare parts team. The contact person for your respective country can be found at www.beach-tech.com. We would like to cordially thank all of our customers for the excellent cooperation and the trust they have shown for our products!